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Showing posts from 2016

How Does Career Guidance Support Career Development?

By Dawn Rosenberg McKay Updated September 06, 2016 Question: What Is Career Guidance Answer: Career guidance consists of the services that help people successfully manage their career development . Although this aspect of human development occurs on its own as we mature, everyone can benefit from assistance navigating through this process. Services Since career guidance is intended to support an individual through his or her entire career , it includes the following components: Career Choice Assistance : Career guidance often involves assisting students and adults who are trying to choose a career. Career development professionals may administer self assessment instruments or teach their clients how to use self-administered tools, to help them learn about their interests, values, skills and personality type . They can educate individuals about how to explore occupations that are most suitable based on that information and then ultimately teach them how to d...


Basic Skills Training (BST) services are rehabilitative mental health interventions designed to reduce cognitive and behavioral impairments and restore recipients to their highest level of functioning with the guidance of a basic skills provider. BST services are provided to recipients facing challenges with cognitive and behavioral skills functioning. BST services help recipients acquire constructive cognitive and behavioral skills through positive reinforcement, modeling, operant conditioning and other training techniques. BST teaches recipients a variety of life skills, formulated off an individualized treatment plan. These treatments plans are created with the client utilizing a medical treatment model in collaboration with licensed professionals. BST is a community based service that teaches a variety of life skills in a location which is most suitable to attain treatment goals. BST services may include the following interventions: Basic living and self-care skills : Rec...

Timeline of Career Theories and Models

This timeline shows how career theories evolved over time. Early 1900s Theory: Parson-Environment Matching, Trait Factor Names: Parson, Williamson, Holland Earlier days it was termed as Vocational Guidance. Vocational Guidance (Career Guidance) is accomplished first by studying the individual, then surveying occupations and finally by matching the individual with the occupation. Read More about Holland Theory

Holland's Theory Videos

Watch the Holland's Theory of Career Choice Video Series here. 1. 6 Holland Personality Types - Holland Codes 2. The Holland Environment 3. Interacting with Holland Work Environments 4. Holland Hexagon 5. Congruence: Making a Good Choice

Four Pillars of Education

Four Pillars of Education Learning to know Learning to be Learning to do Learning to live together